Filed Under: “Aeon”
The trust paradox: We learn more when we trust more, even when we’re wrong
By Hugo Mercier
It’s easy to see downsides of misplaced trust, it’s much more difficult to see how we could have benefited by believing in others
Does dystopian fiction make people more willing to believe in violence to achieve justice?
By Calvert Jones and Celia Paris
New research is beginning to indicate that watching dystopian fiction can incite real-world radicalism
Using facial recognition AI for policing is phrenology with computers
By Sally Davies
Criminologists and sociologists long ago rejected the idea that criminality could be determined by head shape
The covid crisis has made clear that the private sector depends on the public good
By Dirk Philipsen
For too long, policymakers have ignored how the common good precedes and is required by private benefit
Why has pop music has become sadder in recent decades?
By Alberto Acerbi and Charlotte Brand
Once known as an excessively happy genre, pop musicians have become much more willing to express negative sentiments
We often speak of what we believe, but we rarely contemplate the origins of our ideas
By Miriam Schoenfield
While it can be a difficult question, figuring out where our ideas came from is an important one to ask