Filed Under: “Epistemology”
Donald Trump never learned the first rule of Republican politics: Don’t believe right-wing media
By Matthew Sheffield
The January 6th hearings demonstrate how to move forward when dialogue is impossible
By Robert Repino
For the first time since Donald Trump emerged on the scene, a national political conversation is excluding obviously malicious nonsense
Conservative evangelicals claim to believe in absolute truth and love, but it’s just the opposite
By Becca Hawkins
How fundamentalist Christians understand truth and love rhetorically often does not match with how it works out in practice
Want to ‘do your own research’ on vaccines or anything else? First realize what research actually means
By Melanie Trecek-King
In order to credibly dispute the conclusions of experts, you have to be one yourself
The trust paradox: We learn more when we trust more, even when we’re wrong
By Hugo Mercier
It’s easy to see downsides of misplaced trust, it’s much more difficult to see how we could have benefited by believing in others
Liberalism bereft of moral pragmatism will never convince its critics
By Adrian Rutt
Realizing that there is no common ground in philosophy is the first step in finding it politically
We often speak of what we believe, but we rarely contemplate the origins of our ideas
By Miriam Schoenfield
While it can be a difficult question, figuring out where our ideas came from is an important one to ask
Joe Rogan and our epidemic of pseudo-expertise
By Matthew Sheffield
Infotainment fandoms have convinced millions of people that blathering internet commentators are experts at everything