Filed Under: “Facebook”

Former Trump administration tried to use federal ad spending to retaliate against fact-checking


Trump planned to leverage more than $117 million worth of government online advertising to stop platforms from fact-checking or otherwise moderating his speech

Trump’s blog failure reminds us of the power of platforms, and their owners’ responsibilities


The ex-president’s rudimentary blog was a total failure, and provided a larger lesson in media.

U.S. tech giants evaded $150 billion in global taxes, new report finds


Global tax avoidance laws are a mess and as a result, companies can evade paying what they owe to multiple countries

What the AT&T breakup can teach us about the tech monopolies of today


When the US Department of Justice broke up AT&T, it traded one national monopoly for a set of regional monopolies. Over time, Congress learned that it wasn’t enough. Today, we are facing a similar challenge. Potential breakups of Google and Facebook will only be step one.

‘I am fine with this:’ How Sheryl Sandberg and Facebook helped Turkey censor human rights abuses


Amid a 2018 Turkish military campaign, Facebook ultimately sided with Turkey’s demand to block the page of a mostly Kurdish militia which was documenting civilian killings.


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