Filed Under: “Censorship”
Free speech be damned, Texas bill looks to stop people from talking about how to access abortions
By Jennifer Pinsof
Librarians fighting back against right-wing efforts to censor LGBTQ books
By Casey Quinlan
‘A parent has the right to determine what is best for their child, not what is best for every child’
Florida school board member files police report over library book as right’s censorship efforts expand
By Marissa Higgins
Extremist officials in multiple localities across the country are racing to ban content from LGBT and racial minority authors in school libraries
Trump is gone but governmental attacks on press freedom are continuing
By Kelly Simon and Kate Ruane
Progressives and Democrats must remember that freedom of speech is vital to democracy, no matter who is in power
Trump’s lawsuits against Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube aren’t about winning in court
By Frank LoMonte
No court is going to rule in the ex-president’s favor, his lawsuits are more to keep his supporters riled up
Removing Section 230 protections will make the internet a lot worse, here’s how
By Joe Mullin
As bad as fake news and hate are on the internet, they would be much worse without Section 230