Filed Under: “Health care”

As more patients email doctors, health systems have started charging fees


GOP lawmakers in several states move toward criminalizing birth control


Politicians in Louisiana, Idaho, Michigan and elsewhere are sponsoring legislation and holding hearings about abolishing Plan B contraceptive pills and intrauterine devices

Anti-LGBT groups trying to re-brand their ideas as health care


Intolerance in assisted living facilities forcing some LGBT seniors back into the closet


Some members of the first generation of LGBT people able to live openly are facing discrimination in their golden years

Texas bill will make anyone who ‘aids or abets’ an abortion vulnerable to private lawsuits


Conservative Texas politicians are aiming to severely restrict access to abortion while also turning loose ‘vigilante’ lawsuits filed by private citizens

New ‘short-term’ insurance plans are leaving customers stuck with medical bills


Since the Trump administration deregulated the health insurance industry, there’s been an explosion of short-term plans that leave patients with surprise bills and providers with huge revenue.

All too often, journalists mistake elite disapproval of policies for popular opposition


Many policies that are supported by the public are portrayed as ‘controversial’ because politicians oppose them

COVID relief bill expands individual insurance subsidies and Medicaid funds


The Affordable Care Act is seeing its first expansion after surviving years of conservative attacks as Democrats try to expand health insurance coverage.

Will Biden administration repeal Trump’s quiet attempt to privatize Medicare?


The Trump administration has outsourced Medicare to insurance companies and other for-profit middlemen, placing them between Americans and their doctors.

Pandemic highlights gaps in medical research for pregnant women


Pregnant women have long been excluded from drug and vaccine research. Now, the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting how few treatments are available for them.


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