Filed Under: “Trans issues”
Why Vice President Kamala Harris mentioned her blue suit at a disability rights meeting
By Sara Luterman
New polling on trans rights is discouraging, but we can’t give up the fight for full equality
By Marissa Higgins
Inside the far-right demonization campaign against transgender athletes
By Kristen Doerer
Anti-LGBT groups are targeting trans women and girls in a desperate attempt to attract moderates to their Christian nationalist political coalition
Gallup poll finds Americans less supportive of transgender athletes than previous research
By Kate Sosin
Republicans in a number of states have been using proposed bans on transgender athletes as a campaign tactic
Anti-trans bills are being mass produced by a website form
By Kate Sosin
Trans rights are under assault in state legislatures all over the country. But is the surge being fueled by actual concern from constituents or is there astro-turfing afoot?