Filed Under: “Voting rights”
Vice President Kamala Harris calls on Texans to protect reproductive and voting rights during Austin visit
By William Melhado and Trent Brown
Grave warnings as Supreme Court agrees to hear case that threatens ‘future of voting rights’
By Brett Wilkins
Senate Democrats propose return of ‘talking filibuster’ for voting bills
By Jessica Corbett
Schumer: ‘We feel, very simply, on something as important as voting rights, if Senate Republicans are gonna oppose it, they should not be allowed to sit in their office’
Kyrsten Sinema’s support for U.S. Senate filibuster undermines her claims to support voting rights
By Jake Johnson
‘Sinema doesn’t support the voting rights legislation, the filibuster just lets her pretend she does’
State-level Republicans rolling back voting rights with majority votes, as national Democrats cling to filibuster
By Jessica Corbett
Georgia Republicans become latest state GOPers to pass sweeping redistricting rules on a party-line vote
Joe Biden says the need for election law reform is serious, but where are his actions?
By Miles Mogulescu
Extraordinary pressure from the president was necessary for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, has Biden learned from LBJ?
Republicans aren’t being forced to subvert democracy, they are choosing to do it
By Eric Boehlert
Mainstream journalists keep claiming, without evidence, that Donald Trump is forcing GOP elites to weaken elections
Republican obstruction is making the filibuster’s one-time supporters revise their opinions
By booman
There’s still no consensus along Senate Democrats for eliminating the filibuster entirely, but they’re moving in that direction and may have internally agreed it can’t stand in the way of H.R.1.
Georgia Republicans target Democratic voters after Biden’s 2020 victory
By Andrea Germanos
After Donald Trump narrowly lost the Peach State to Joe Biden, GOP legislators are pushing for much stricter voting regulations.