Filed Under: “Women’s rights”

Right-wing extremism and homeschooling go hand in hand


Southern Baptists expel churches with women pastors – but the debate’s not just about gender


‘Cruel disregard for life’: Rights groups condemn Iran’s deadly attacks on protesters


What partnership looks like in Mormon marriages is shifting — slowly


What should a marriage look like? LDS leaders’ ideas have shifted over the centuries

To protect abortion rights, we need to start talking about miscarriage


Women who have miscarried know first-hand that a pre-term fetus is not a baby, we must use our voices and our standing as mothers to protect abortion access

Time’s Up was supposed to help women who face harassment, now two of its top leaders have resigned


Tina Tchen and Roberta Kaplan are accused of running interference for ex-New York governor Andrew Cuomo after he was accused of harassing women

The Afghanistan occupation did little for women and girls, despite what its supporters now say


U.S.-occupied Afghanistan was ranked the world’s second-worst country for women’s rights

We’re finally talking about the disparate uniform rules for female and male Olympians


Women athletes are finally speaking out about the double-standards the sports world places on them

I’m childfree by choice, it shouldn’t be taboo to say that


Not having children with my ex-husband was the biggest relief of my life

Southern Baptist women are still fighting for priesthood ordination


Some large churches in the convention have started ordaining women as pastors even as the international body is refusing


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